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Case Study: The Association of Equipment Manufacturers

Custom-Designed Technical e-Learning

The Situation

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers is an advocate advancing the global market for its 900+ construction and agricultural equipment manufacturer members.


The US Government recently passed regulation requiring equipment manufacturers to report minerals used in the manufacture of their products that were sourced from “Conflict” mines in Africa.  This would be a hard enough task if the sources of the minerals that make up each component were readily identifiable. Imagine needing to go one, two, three and sometime more layers of your supply chain to get the information that Conflict Minerals reporting requires.  That is a reality for equipment manufacturers in the US.


AEM desired an means to assimilate the necessary reporting requirements and then disseminate the training to multiple supply chain layers for its members.

The Solution

Custom-designed Conflict Mineral Training and Reporting Guidelines


Impact Sales worked with leading manufacturers who were AEM members (such as John Deere, Caterpillar, AGCO, CASEIH to name a few) to create AEM’s Conflict Mineral Training.


This highly interactive e-learning module educates manufacturers and their supply chain on what Conflict Minerals are, how to locate them in the manufacturing process and how to properly report using the government’s required reporting tool. Participants are provided feedback and best practices around Conflict Minerals reporting, making the entire tracking process much more streamlined for both manufacturer and supplier.


This e-learning program, initially developed in English was also translated into Portuguese, Mandarin and Italian.

The Results

A better educated supply chain.


Ability to reach up to six supply chain tiers to deliver necessary reporting requirements and streamline reporting process.


Endorsed by the Conflict Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI) as state of the art training on the subject.

Hover Over Image Above For Description.
  • Included in the Program:

    • Custom-designed e-learning
    • Translation in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Mandarin
    • Interactive reporting form and tutorial
    • Technical compliance training