Performance Support | ImpactSales
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Performance Support

Successful Long-Term Adoption of Skills Happens with Support


Performance is best integrated and sustained when behaviors are coached. We provide the tools and resources necessary for ongoing support and coaching to ensure your programs’ success in the short and long-term.


We incorporate coaching elements into the program while the learners are involved in training as a means of immediate reinforcement and encouragement. This allows learners to receive critical feedback and motivation which increases the level of program success and influences sustainable behavior change.


Our staff of experts will provide coaching to learners that are involved in your program. Plus, we incorporate coaching post curriculum to ensure true transfer of knowledge occurs. At the end of the program if you prefer, we will provide your team leaders the tools to coach their own teams. Often, a successful coaching model is a blended effort between Impact Sales and your management team.

Impact Sales Integrated Learning Model

Ongoing Support Bolsters Performance

Coaching and performance support ensure long-term positive impact on learner behavior. Any of these coaching interventions may be conducted by Impact Sales or your team. Often, a blended approach returns the best results.


Online Group Coaching Sessions

We often use online meetings as a means of sharing best practices specific to the desired skill sets and behaviors that the learners are focusing on. This is an ideal opportunity for participants to learn from each other in addition to a seasoned coach.


Field Application and Individual Feedback

We call this “real-life role-play.” It is important that participants practice their newly acquired skills in real situations. We provide questions and other reflective exercises for participants to focus on when implementing skills. Feedback and coaching can be provided by written feedback and/or by providing coaching tips and guidelines to managers regarding the specific skills that learners are focusing on.


Coaching Forums for Managers

Approximately once a month managers meet with Impact Sales coaches for an hour via online meeting to discuss best practices and receive coaching tips for supporting desired behaviors. Managers also receive coaching guides for supporting team members 1:1 and as a group. These meetings also focus on developing overall coaching capabilities of managers.


Coaching Guides

Our coaching guides outline and provide insights for identifying and reinforcing desired behaviors individually and in group settings. Additionally, we provide resources to enhance ongoing behavior development to ensure the sustainability of your program.


Continuing Development Plans

Encourage learners to set their own continuing development path. On-demand learning is great for this. Provide the structure to enable team members to measure their strengths and continuing education needs, set objectives, access resources and measure success and results.

Are you interested in learning more? We’re here to help.